And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. – Acts 2:42

This verse communicates the heart of Rocky Mountain Calvary.  To many people, being part of a church means nothing more than attending a weekly service on a  regular basis and then leaving as soon as the service is over.  This was never God’s heart for His people.  This verse in Acts explains the behavior of those in the early church.  They were steadfast in learning God’s Word, in spending time building relationships with each other, spending time remembering what God has done for them, and praying together.  Being “steadfast” means to be firmly fixed in place, to have a strong adherence and determination to see things through.  It takes a little work to build those relationships.  God’s heart is for you to build relationships with others through serving and being served.

Be steadfast!  Take some time to ask God where He would have you serve and meet people.  Explore ways you can volunteer or get involved in small groups.  God has people He wants to use to bless you and for you to bless!