Who we are
Men of Calvary
who are
follow Jesus.

Discipling men to fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith. – based on 2 Timothy 4:7

Who is it for?
Men who know the Lord and those that want to.
Men who feed into other men, and those who want to be fed.
Men who are strong in the faith and those who desire to be strong.
“The goal of the Men of Calvary is to reach every man at RMC, and his neighbor, for Christ.“
– Rob Crenshaw
Christian men are to exhort the young men to be sober-minded in all things and be good examples. (Titus 2:6-7).
We are to encourage each other in Christ. (Prov 27:17, 1 Samuel 23:16)
It is imperative that the men in the Body of Christ, the Men of Calvary, are equipped to face the temptations, trials and tribulations through the strength of Christ, to reflect His glory.
Men are called to be able to learn and then teach other men to:
Observe Christ’s Commandments – Matthew 28:18-20
Love One Another – John 13:34-35
Walk in Grace – 2 Timothy 2:1-2
Be Spirit-Filled – Acts 1:8
Get involved
Men of Calvary utilizes Bible studies and classes, service opportunities, and a range of activities to foster fellowship among men, encouraging mutual edification and spiritual growth in the Lord. Our events and activities for Men of Calvary include retreats, BBQs, conferences, breakfast gatherings, excursions, and more.
To learn more about our mentorship program, click here.
Regular events:
MOC: Fight for US: Men’s prayer night – First Thursday of each month, 6:30-8pm
MOC: Hold Fast Friday’s: Christ – Coffee – Connection – First Friday of every month at Hold Fast Coffee, 7am start time
MOC: Men’s Leadership Training – Second Saturday of every month – 9:00-10:30am
MOC: Quarterly Men’s Breakfast – Saturdays – 02/15, 05/17, 08/16, & 11/15 – 7:30am
Email Pastor Rob Crenshaw for a current list of bible studies and groups to get plugged into. robc@rmcalvary.org
Want to Volunteer?
Men are called to be leaders, to use their God given talents to accomplish the will of the Lord. In order to meet the variety of items we are called to accomplish, we need men in different areas of service. Prayerfully consider joining one of the following teams to help us engage with the body of Christ as well as our community.
Mention which area(s) you are interested in when you fill out your application.
- Discipleship Team – Bible Study Leaders/teachers, mentors, and small group leaders
- Connections Team – Those willing to attend event, meet new men, and then invite them to further fellowship
- Communications Team – Those willing to help get the word out on upcoming events etc.
- Service/Events Team – Men who are gifted in works. Helping those in the community to move, home projects, and other labor. Also, those willing to help set up or clean up after events at the church.