Who we are

Rise High School ministry encourages our students to plug in, grow, and become committed followers of Christ. We lead and teach our students how to develop their own personal time in God’s Word and prayer through intentional discipleship. Join us for fun events, retreats and small groups.

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Matthew 28:19

Who is it for?

Rise High School ministry is for students in high school
(Or hight school age).

I want to encourage you and your students to let us challenge you in taking the next step in your faith and be discipled through God’s Word.

Tim Balagat

General Info

Saturdays 6:00pm and Wednesdays 6:30pm (small groups). High School room.

EIKON on Sunday Nights 4:00pm – 7:00pm (Unless otherwise advised)

Tim Balagat – timb@rmcalvary.org


Instagram: @rise_hsyouth

Upcoming Events

Want to Serve Here?

HS volunteers lead small groups, mentor students, and share an important time of our students’ lives. Requirements: background check, volunteer application, interview with ministry lead.