Eric Cartier
Senior Pastor (EricC@RMCalvary.org)
I realized at a young age that the Lord was calling me to reach those without Christ. Through teachings at Applegate Christian Fellowship and Calvary Bible College, God began to equip me for a life of ministry. In March 2000, I accepted a permanent position with Rocky Mountain Calvary that grew into overseeing and ministering to both teenagers and young adults. After five years of service, I was offered the position of senior pastor. I believe the Lord’s house should be one of prayer and that the Bible should be taught verse-by-verse. This allows God’s Word to challenge and encourage us to walk in obedience. My desire is to lead by example, to be a disciple and make disciples, and to share God’s loving kindness. I have been married to my beautiful wife, Amber, for 20+ years and we have four children, Hannah, Adelyn, Ileanne and Wyatt.
Robert Beech
Assistant Pastor (rhbeech@RMCalvary.org)
I came on staff as Rocky Mountain Calvary’s Children’s Ministry director in 1996. In 1998 I became the assistant pastor. I oversee most of the day-to-day operations of RMC and work closely with Pastor Eric Cartier to provide oversight to the Ministerial Staff. My wife Lisa serves in Women’s Ministry and we have two children, Lauren and Robby.
Dan Hooker
Ellicott Pastor – Leadership Pastor – School of Discipleship (DanH@RMCalvary.org)
Serving God day-by-day, minute-by-minute. My family and I have attended RMC for over 20 years. I have a passion for teaching God’s Word and have the honor of serving as our Ellicott Campus pastor. I also love discipleship and oversee the School of Discipleship and the School of Ministry.

Cory Beery
Assistant Pastor of Administration – Human Resources (CoryB@RMCalvary.org)
I have felt the Lord calling me into greater service for Him from a young age. Stepping out in faith in 2005 my family and I planted a church and continued in the work of ministry for 10 years. Following God’s leading has given me opportunities to grow in the gifts and talents that He has given to me, which has led me to my current responsibilities here at Rocky Mountain Calvary. I am truly blessed to serve Him and His people. I have been married to my wife Shanda for over 20 years and we have four children; Grace, Faith, Seth, and Caleb.

Sean Rafferty
Leadership Pastor – International Missions Director and Director of E4life Gap Year Program (SeanR@RMCalvary.org)
I have been pastoring within Calvary Chapel for over 25 years. My wife Lisa and I have had the incredible privilege of traveling to over 30 countries leading teams and sharing the gospel with the hurting and the lost. We have four lovely daughters. I was also a church planter for 7 years, pioneering a new work in Chihuahua, Mexico. I returned from the mission field in 2014 to fill a pastoral role here at RMC. It has been my privilege to serve as Executive Director for our E4life Gap Year program since 2021.

James Rynearson
Pastoral Care and Counseling – Connect Groups Pastor – Prayer Ministry (JamesR@RMCalvary.org)
I have been attending Rocky Mountain Calvary since 2015. Prior to me coming on staff in the summer of 2021, I served in the high school for four years. During that timeframe, I graduated School of Discipleship as well as School of Ministry. I am blessed to walk alongside my wife Erinn as well as our three children, Garrett, Tarryn, and Bennett. I am truly honored to be able to follow the calling that God has given my family and me.

Jon Williams
Pastoral Care and Counseling (JonW@RMCalvary.org)
After seeking my own glory for years and only finding misery, the Lord got a hold of me in 1998. Since then He has given me the privilege of serving Him. My wife Athena and I have been married since 2007 and have six grown kids. We have been attending RMC since 2018 when we moved to Colorado Springs. I have been through School of Discipleship and School of Ministry, and I’m honored to serve on staff now.

Rob Crenshaw
Pastoral Care and Counseling – Marriage Enrichment – Online Ministry – Men’s Ministry (RobC@RMCalvary.org)
RMC quickly became my family’s home church in 2016 after seeing the heart of the staff and volunteers. After attending the School of Discipleship and the School of Ministry here, God directed me to come on staff to serve with the pastors. I love being able to labor alongside my wife, Jenna. We have been blessed with 3 sons, 1 daughter, and 1 daughter-in-law.

Alex Fruci
Young Adults Pastor (AlexF@RMCalvary.org)
I became a part of RMC as a young adult shortly after the Lord got a hold of my heart and I realized that He is wholly worthy of my entire life and devotion. I began to pursue full time mission work, which led me to serve in Chihuahua, Mexico in 2018 and Cusco, Peru from 2019-2021.
I was blessed to marry my wife during that time and we now have two lovely daughters.
God has given me a burden to equip the Young Adults of His church to be able navigate the many joys and challenges of early adult life through the teaching of the Word, a solid foundation in Christ, and biblical community!

Tim Balagat
High School Pastor (TimB@RMCalvary.org)
I attended RMC’s School of Discipleship and School of Ministry. I started serving in the Junior High as a leader in 2010 and transitioned to the Senior High as of August 2021. The senior high years are crucial in a young person’s life, and I understand that we need to keep them on the narrow path walking with Jesus. I am committed to building their faith and helping them to depend on the Word of God in this most important time in their lives.

Tyler Kettner
Junior High and Local Missons Pastor (TylerK@RMCalvary.org)
After 23 years of living to create my own glory and pretending I was a Christian, God took hold of my life, replaced my heart of stone (Ezekiel 36:26-27), and showed me that I could not do it on my own. He is the only thing worth living for and I am so thankful He continuously pursues my heart, even in defiance. While going through RMC’s School of Discipleship and School of Ministry, God placed it on my heart to seek and serve His people through any way He leads. It is my hope and prayer that I will continue to serve any way God desires alongside my wife, Naomi, and our two kids.

Doug Saxon
Kids Ministry Pastor (DougS@RMCalvary.org)
Just an ordinary guy serving an extraordinary God and Savior. Started attending RMC in 2000 where I met my wife, Beth. Together we are dedicated to teaching and inspiring the next generation to know, love, and follow Jesus.

Billy Dimirra
Worship Pastor (BillyD@RMCalvary.org)
For most of my life my family has been really involved in Church and serving the Lord, but it wasn’t until I was in High School that God became real to me. After getting saved, I attended Oceans Edge School of Worship in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and graduated in 2011. Since then I’ve been involved with a couple different churches leading worship in various capacities. I’m grateful and humbled at the opportunity the Lord has provided for my wife, Laura, and I to move to Colorado and be a part of what God is doing here at RMC.

Jenna Crenshaw
Women of Calvary Director (JennaC@RMCalvary.org)
Connection within community through Christ. Upon moving to Colorado in February 2017, the Lord captured my attention with this vision and has filled my heart to overflowing for the Women of Calvary. Together with my husband, Rob, our daughter, Monterey, and my mom, Mary Kay, our family finds great joy in attending and serving at RMC. May God continue to use the testimony He is working out in our lives to minister as we are called.

Christi Meany
Senior Pastor Assistant & Special Events Coordinator (ChristiM@RMCalvary.org)
Hi! I am incredibly thankful for this amazing and blessed life God has given me. I grew up knowing about God but turned away from Him for many years. He slowly drew me back to Him and I started attending RMC in 2018. I never imagined myself working at a church but I am grateful for the privilege of working here. I find immense fulfillment in serving the body of Christ and using my God-given gifts & talents for His kingdom.

Ali Zamora
Women’s Ministry Admin Assistant (AliZ@RMCalvary.org)
I began attending RMC just before the pandemic, and during that time Jesus really became the Lord of my life. In 2021 I began School of Discipleship and then School of Ministry, which led to my heart being on fire for ministry. I love being able to serve the women of the church through WOC and pouring into the lives of our young adults. My husband, Andrew, and I were blessed to be married in 2022, and our family loves having RMC as our home church.

Gissel Morris
Pastoral Care Admin Assistant (GisselM@RMCalvary.org)
God got a hold of my life when my family and I moved to Colorado during my freshman year of high school. After high school, the Lord called me to the School of Discipleship, during which, He opened the door for me to work here. I also met my husband, Aaron, at RMC and it is such a blessing to work alongside him; I love getting to be a part of the mission and ministry at RMC.

Cambria Thomasson
Youth Admin Assistant (CambriaT@RMCalvary.org)
I started volunteering in the High School Ministry in 2020 and became a student of RMC’s School of Discipleship in 2022. I came on staff in 2023 and I’m humbled to have the opportunity to use the gifts God has given me to glorify Him and serve His church. My mission is to share the hope of Christ with the next generation as they search for truth, purpose, and identity. My joy is watching Him do incredible things in and through the students as they discover their calling and follow Him with all their hearts.

Josiah Wuthier
Local Missions Director (JosiahW@RMCalvary.org)
I believed in Jesus at a young age, but still had plenty of sin in my life growing up. Over the years God has been doing a sanctifying work in me through various trials. I’m His work in progress. I was drawn to RMC late 2021 because of the verse by verse teaching of the Bible, and have been here ever since!

Noah Wright
Children’s Ministry Assistant (NoahW@RMCalvary.org)
I was saved at an early age and have been growing in the Lord ever since! I moved back to Colorado Springs from the Denver area in 2021 and soon began attending RMC and serving the kids in Kids Ministry. I came on staff at the beginning of 2025 and can’t wait to see how the Lord will continue to use me.

Lesa Wright
Preschool Director (LesaW@RMCalvary.org)
God has truly blessed me to be able to work alongside our Children’s Ministry team. I am encouraged and blessed when I see families bring their children to church. I love to see them come to church with such enthusiasm to learn about Jesus. I want them to know the One True Living God who created the world, performed miracles, to learn about Jesus and to know how much He loves them. It is a joy and honor to serve in the Preschool Department. My husband and I have been married for 31 years. We have been blessed with 6 adult children and 2 sweet granddaughters.

Joetta Graner-Smith
Nursery Director (JoettaG@RMCalvary.org)
I have served in the nursery for many years. It is a calling from my heavenly Father. Children are a blessing from God and it is an honor and privilege to care for them.

Cody Maxwell
The Well and Café Manager (CodyM@RMCalvary.org)
I have attended Rocky Mountain Calvary since 2005. I came on staff in 2007 in the café where the Lord used me for 14 years. I now get the pleasure to serve as the Special Events Coordinator and the Assistant to Pastor Eric. It has been a great joy and blessing to see how God has and still continues to work through all the events we get to do here at RMC.

Josh Shi
The Well and Café Assistant Manager (JoshuaS@RMCalvary.org)
I am passionate about creating welcoming spaces for connection and conversation at The Well, where I serve up coffee and community with joy. I love spending time with my wife, Jordyn, and our two wonderful children, Evelyn and Elijah. Through my work, I seek to make each day a little brighter and share God’s love in simple, everyday moments.

Robby Beech
Youth Ministry Assistant (RobB@RMCcalvary.org)
I’ve been attending RMC my entire life. I started working in the Café and serving in the Junior High ministry in 2022. I’m attending our School of Discipleship and will graduate in 2025. I enjoyed the café, but I love doing events with the youth in our church. In 2024 I began serving in our youth ministry full time. Hanging out with the kids and ministering to them is my passion!

Rhonda Deridder
Receptionist (RhondaD@RMCalvary.org)
After 18 years of turning my back on God, I re-dedicated my life to the Lord January 4th of 1999 at Rocky Mountain Calvary. I’ve been blessed to be on staff since September of 2002. I’m thankful for the multiple tasks included in my ministry and the opportunities to encourage and pray with people that come here.

Michele Davis
Financial Controller (MicheleD@RMCalvary.org)
I was raised in a very religious home but did not meet Jesus until I was 18. Once introduced, I accepted His free gift of salvation and my life was dramatically transformed. Our family has been part of the RMC family since 2001. I started working at RMC in 2003 after having volunteered in the Café and Bookstore. My husband and I have been married for 33+ years; we have two adult children and four grandchildren. I am a 2004 graduate of Regis University with a Master of Business Administration Degree. It is such a privilege to serve at Rocky Mountain Calvary.
Jeannette Hernandez
Accounting (JeannetteH@RMCalvary.org)
I accepted Jesus as my Savior in Las Vegas at Calvary Chapel Spring Valley in 1995. I moved back to Colorado Springs and started attending RMC and came on staff in 1997. I have been married to my husband Henry since 2010. We enjoy road trips, camping, and our 2 cats.

Izzy Drago
Accounting (izzyd@rmcalvary.org)
I came on staff in 2022 with the childcare department. Since then, I have had many other wonderful opportunities to work and serve here at RMC, including a little over a year with the Well and some time working on the event reception team. The Lord has used every one to grow me and draw me closer to Him. In January 2025, I began working in accounting. I am truly blessed to be here, and I love using my God-given skills to praise Him and serve others. I am happily married to my husband Malachi.

Dan Champion
Audio-Visual Director (DanC@RMCalvary.org)
God has moved in amazing ways in my life to capture my heart and it is my desire to see others realize the necessity of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I love having the opportunity to serve in His ministry with the gifts He has given me. I started attending RMC in 2013, came on staff in 2014, and met my wonderful wife Stephanie here.

Aaron Morris
Audio-Visual Assistant Director (AaronM@RMCalvary.org)
Originally from Missouri, I moved to Colorado in 2020 and started attending Rocky Mountain Calvary in March 2021. I volunteered for a few years and was hired on staff in October 2023. I met my wife, Gissel, at RMC and we married in May 2024. I’ve enjoyed everything Audio/Visual for a long time and I love being able to use my skills and knowledge to provide an atmosphere where people can freely worship and learn about Jesus without distraction.

Donnie Stockman
Facilities Manager (DonnieS@RMCalvary.org)
I have been the facilities and grounds manager of RMC since December 1998. I am responsible for overseeing building maintenance and special events setup. I also supervise community service workers assigned to Rocky Mountain Calvary. I am truly thankful to the Lord for allowing me to minister to people’s hearts as well as providing them work to do with their hands.

Danny Rodine
Facilities Assistant (DannyR@RMCalvary.org)
I began volunteering here with Donnie in 2011 with a heart to serve where needed. I was hired by RMC’s Info Center in 2016, then the Lord opened the door in 2018 for me to move into the facilities department as Donnie’s assistant. I enjoy working with my hands, so I work on many projects and tasks around the building. Plus working with a variety of folks coming in to get their community service hours done has been a real blessing in so many ways. I count it an honor to serve here at RMC in the calling the Lord has for me.

Shawn Retzlaff
Facilities Assistant (ShawnR@RMCalvary.org)
I have been attending Rocky Mountain Calvary since 2007. After serving in various technical, leadership, and ministry roles throughout the years, the Lord called me to serve on staff at Rocky Mountain Calvary in 2022. I have the privilege of assisting in overseeing our community service ministry, working with special events, and anything else that is needed within the church. It is a privilege to minister to others, and it is incredible to see God work and see lives changed through Christ.

Brad Leppla
IT – Network Administrator (BradL@RMCalvary.org)
I was born in Southern California, attended college at the University of California, Berkeley and graduated with a B.S. in Forestry. I joined the U.S. Navy and served 18 years before I retired in 1998, including a combat tour in Iraq in 1991. It was during that evolution that God first came to me during a particularly dangerous mission and literally saved my life. I am truly blessed to work in the IT Department as Network Administrator, supporting and maintaining the network infrastructure of this amazing church.

Brenda Amburgey
Life Events Coordinator (BrendaA@RMCalvary.org)
Our family has been greatly blessed to attend RMC since 1999. After many years of working in the children’s ministry area, I now have the joy of overseeing Weddings and Funerals, two pivotal times in our lives. It’s a privilege to be able to assist and support couples and families in planning for these important life events. My husband Rick and I have been married for 40 years and are blessed with 5 adult children and 7 grandchildren, who all love and follow our Lord Jesus!