Who we are
Our Women of Calvary (WOC) ministry is a family of believers living out our faith together. By studying God’s Word, serving at our church, and “doing life”, we see Christ alive in us and others. We desire to encourage women to be who God created them to be and to enable them to be a light in our community.

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.” 2 Corinthians 2:14

Who is it for?
For women who long to grow in their walk with Christ. We provide opportunities to connect with other women of various stages of life and faith. The value is immeasurable.
“It’s a joy to see women soak in and apply God’s Word personally. Our leadership team and I look forward to meeting you and being alongside as you discover all the Lord has for you.“
– Jenna Crenshaw

General Info
Bible studies: Tuesdays (morning & evening), September-November, January-April, Summer (various). To inquire about late registration for the general study please call the church during the week, or send an email to womensministry@rmcalvary.org.
Events: Spring event – April, Women’s Retreat – September, Christmas Gathering – December, Belong events – various through the year, other fellowships.
Single Moms Ministry: Saturday dinner fellowship – third Saturday of the month in the café, additional events throughout the year.
Women’s Outdoor Ministry: Hiking and other outdoor activities are scheduled from April – October. Times and locations vary and details are posted monthly.
Moving Forward Together: A group for moms of child loss. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month from 6:00-7:30pm.
Rocky Mountain Meals: Providing meal support for families experiencing difficult circumstances. For information, please email Women’s Ministry.
Widows Gathering: A fellowship group for our lovely widows. Held on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 10:00am and 6:30pm.
Contact: womensministry@rmcalvary.org
Instagram: @RMCWomenofCalvary
Facebook page: RMC Women of Calvary
Facebook group: RMC Women of Calvary Community
Women’s Guidance Ministry: Contact Athena Williams.
Women’s Mentoring: Contact Jen Dahlmann.
Want to Volunteer?
Ongoing volunteer support is needed throughout the year.
Areas to serve: event planning/implementation, administrative support, hands on leadership training/development, decorating, event set up, making food for events, social media support, graphics, worship, single moms ministry, hospitality.
Rocky Mountain Meals has its own application –
Rocky Mountain meals provides short-term meals to individuals and families in crisis or challenging life circumstances. Meals are made and delivered by volunteers according to a set online schedule.